super excited to be a dad :) But I doubt even then I will understand
how much you love me :) It's a principle that I've talked about with
several other people, that even if I was the biggest bum on the planet
here, you all would still love me and be proud of me :) So now its just
up to me to live up to that :)
About my currency and my parental situation: Sandnes
is about a 15 minute train ride from stavanger, so the Stavanger Zl's
and the Sandnes Elders live together for the time being. What basically
happened is I got moved here so that I would go to the stavanger Elders
area, but since they are zone leaders, he didnt want them in a 3 some...
so then i was with sandnes. With moves this last week, I got a bed
(yea!) yea, and even did I recieve a position and place in the which
that I could study, Yea, and I say unto you, in this thing was the
missionary Elder Whetten quite glad of heart, that he could now study in
peace, without the persecution of his bretheren the lamanites. And
Behold the wicked Elder Abrahams, was kast out, and sent to the faraway
land of trondheim, and for this cause what Elder whetten able to acheive
his place in the stavanger area :)
or in other words, one of the dudes left for
trondheim :) So I get his spot and his phone and job and stuff :) Make
sense? Not that I've really been able to enjoy it yet because we've been
running around like mad people trying to get ready for the zone
training thingy tomorrow but it's been nice. Even though moving around
has been hard, I do know that I'm being taught the things I need, and
I'm getting some extra help to help me meet my new responsibilties and
do everything I need too :)
In terms of cool things that happened this week, We
just started teaching this man and his wife from Uganda, and its been
super cool. Both of them came to church and it was just a really cool
first teach with them. I have never had so many normal teaches as I have
here. Wedenesday was national, rage against the man, day :) Nobody
works, no storyes are open, and it's basically a day where everyone
marches on the gågates holding picket signs and such :) pretty cool. I
ate a deadly kbab though... ugh. not good for you :)
As for sickness, I really don't know what I've had.
just a general: I feel like poopiness kind of feeling. I'm fine now :)
I'm just workiing on getting both feet on the ground right now. That may
not happen since we're flying up to bergen this week but we'll see. I
just want to go back to Moss, or Oslo where things made sense :)
Thank you so much for the birthday wishes mom :) I
won't tell you the story where we jogged home in a straight up blizzardy
hail storm this week :) Every inch was soaked. I literally felt like I
had just stepped into an icy pool of water and then started running in a
full suit. :) Weirdo. Myself :) Or the part where we went to the
gorgous beach and stood by the edge of the rocks so wee could get cool
pics of us getting splashed on... heh ok fine I'll just give you the pic
:) it's pretty cool :D I await the pckge with anticicpatinon :) I
really need some more space on my camera!
Well I'm out of time. But thank you sooo much mom.
If nothing else just know I feel good right now. I really needed the
love today :) i'm just going to stop worrying about things so much. ANd
go tell people what I know can change their lives. Missionary work is
the coolest experience on this planet.
OH. the call! I'll prolly just email you guys later this week when I
getr that figured out :) Me and Elder CHancellor haven't gotten that
far yet :) itll be sunday morning sometime though :) AH I'm 20... werid.
Doesn't feel like it at all .